Complaints Procedure


Better Billing Ltd aims to provide a professional service for all of our customers all the time.

We do however recognise that occasionally we may not achieve every aspect of that goal.

Should that happen we have in place a complaint procedure to ensure our customers concerns are both addressed and resolved.

We promise that in the event you make a complaint, we shall be courteous and be respectful in our dealings with you.

A copy of this complaint procedure is available to you free on request: please just let us know if you wish us to post or email a copy to you.

We set out below how our complaint procedure works and the steps we ask you to take if you wish to complain. We also set out your rights to complain to the Ombudsman should you not be satisfied with the outcome of our review of your complaint.

The procedure

1) Contact us

Please contact us by email, telephone or post.
Telephone: 01914174577
Post: 8-10 Charlotte Terrace South Shields NE33 4NU

Our customer relations team are available business days 9am to 5pm.

2) Acknowledgement

We will within two working days of receiving your complaint send you an acknowledgement. In doing so we shall inform you of the designated complaint manager who will deal with your complaint throughout the process. Where possible your designated complaint manager will be someone other than your previous main point of contact with us.

3) Additional information or clarification

Your designated complaint manager may contact you seeking additional information, documentation or clarification as to issues raised.

4) Our decision

Within ten working days of the acknowledgement of the complaint we will let you know the outcome of our findings.

Should we be unable to let you have our decision within that ten working day period we update you as to progress and a revised anticipated date for providing such a decision.

5) Your decision

We ask that within ten working days of you receiving our decision you let us know whether or not you accept our decision. If you do not accept our decision then it will be helpful if you say. If you do not accept our decision then it will help if you provide copies of any additional documents and information that will assist in our review of the initial findings.

6) Decision review

Should you not accept our initial decision and you ask us to review that decision we will carry out a review. Again we hope to inform you of the outcome of that review within ten working days of you telpng us your decision. Similar to the initial decision process in the event we do not anticipate letting you have our decision within ten working days we will update you as to a revised decision date. We may also during that decision review again ask you for additional information, documentation and or clarification of issues raised.

7) Eight-week letter

Whatever stage has been reached in the above process eight weeks after we first received your complaint we shall send you an eight-week letter. Once you have received that letter you are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman, more details as to that step are below.

8) Deadlock letter

If you chose to reject our decision (whether the original decision or a revised decision) we will send you a deadlock letter. This letter confirms that you have rejected our decision as to your complaint. Once you receive this letter you are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman

If you are a microbusiness you are entitled to take your complaint to the Ombudsman should your complaint not be resolved eight weeks after the complaint was first made to us or once you have received a deadlock letter from us, whichever is sooner.

The Ombudsman is an independent body that decides the outcome of disputes between us and our microbusiness customers. There is no charge to you for the Ombudsman’s services.

If you accept the Energy Ombudsman’s decision we must then honour that decision. You are not though bound to accept the Energy Ombudsman’s decision and instead may choose to take other action such as litigation.


The Ombudsman’s contact details:

Email: (emails are responded to within five working days)
Telephone: 0330 440 1624 (8am-8pm Monday to Friday, 9am-1pm Saturday)
Post: Energy Ombudsman, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF

The Citizens Advice Bureau

If you need independent and practical advice you can also contact the Citizens Advice Bureau. This service gives you free, confidential and impartial advice.

Better Billing Team