Better Billing Ltd Terms & Conditions

The following T&C’s are designed to help you understand the pertinent points surrounding the energy supply contracts that you have agreed, working with Better Billing Ltd as your procurement brokerage; contract management and invoice validation agents to assist in the smooth running of the Utility contract(s) and subsequent supply invoices.

By working with Better Billing Ltd, you and your recognised, representative agree, and understand the following conditions:

  1. Terms
  2. The term You / Your means your Organisation;
    ii. The term Our / Us / We means the registered office of Better Billing Ltd, of No.8 – 10 Charlotte Terrace South Shields NE33 4NU.
    iii. The term “successful Supplier” means the chosen Utility supplier(s) as detailed on the Supply Contract Acceptances (SCA).
  3. Better Billing Services

2.1 Electricity

  1. The length of the Supply Contract is defined as the period shown in the SCA Summary Schedule 1 (New Rates for the period);
    ii. By signing the Supply Contract Acceptance(s) you are entering an agreement(s) to use the procurement services of Better Billing Ltd during, and up to the end of the term of the electricity supply contract(s);
    iii. Better Billing Ltd procurement service represents such services as, but not limited to, full tendering (OJEU compliance where applicable); analysis of offers to represent best value; supplier negotiation; invoice validation, dedicated account management; credit control, full contract administration and renewal of the contract(s); iv. Better Billing Ltd will pursue every option to have a detailed consultation with you regarding the renewal offer(s). If however, and after many failed attempts to discuss the renewal offer, it is not accepted within one month of the renewal date, Better Billing Ltd will be granted permission by way of these terms, to sign a subsequent 12 month Supply Agreement with the best value supplier on Your behalf, so as to avoid expensive out of contract rates for Your Organisation. This will be deemed to have been accepted by You and a record will be sent electronically to Your Organisation;
    v. Electricity supply invoices will be raised by the supplier on either actual or estimated consumption in arrears and sent to Better Billing Ltd for validation. On receipt and within a reasonable period, being no more than 72 hours from being received, the validated invoices will be forwarded to You for payment by Your preferred method;
    vi. Contract Charges are fixed or passed through as specified within each utility suppliers supply contract offers and Terms and Conditions. The illustration shown in the SCA Summary Schedule 1 is for budgeting purposes only and may NOT represent Your exact electricity costs for the year as consumption may vary depending on use;
    vii. For Half Hourly electricity meters and/or AMR or Smart Metering, Better Billing Ltd will, where applicable, invoice annually for Data Collection (DC) Services unless by prior agreement You already have a contract in place for DC provision; If Better Billing Ltd are not informed of any pre-existing agreement with an alternative provider, and a contract is subsequently placed by Better Billing Ltd, charges will still apply.
    viii. For Half Hourly electricity meters and/or AMR or Smart Metering, Better Billing Ltd will, where applicable, invoice annually for Meter Operator (MoP) Services unless by prior agreement You already have a contract in place for MoP provision; If Better Billing Ltd are not informed of any pre-existing agreement with an alternative provider, and a contract is subsequently placed by Better Billing Ltd, charges will still apply.
    ix. For non-Half Hourly electricity meters (05-08 profile) that are captured within the industry regulatory change P272, the suppliers are within their commercial rights to amend, cancel or change contract rates that are provided and signed for within the SCA. This possible amendment is to account for the meter being changed from Non-Half Hourly to Half Hourly which may incur additional charges.
    x. For Half Hourly where a capacity charge is applicable, DCP161 industry changes dictate that Excess Capacity will be charged at a penalty rate when your maximum demand (MD) exceeds your Agreed Supply Capacity (ASC) or Maximum Import Capacity (MIC). These Excess Capacity charges can be set by the supplier, and are predicted to be up to three times higher than the standard rate for Agreed Supply Capacity. Whilst Better Billing Ltd will undertake reasonable measures to inform you of your current ASC, MD, and highlight discrepancies, we are not liable for setting your ASC to the correct level; this remains your responsibility.

xi. Where an electricity contract is not “Fully Fixed” detailed in the price are distribution, transmission, losses, TRIADs and metering charges based on current costs. Any change in these pass through costs before or during the duration of the contract as defined by the Regulator will result in a similar change to the Contract Price.
xii. The Supplier Terms and Conditions will always prevail and accompany the supply agreement unless both parties agree to a variation to terms
xiii Suppliers cannot account for any new taxes or levies introduced by Government and hence these will be passed through at cost, if and when the time should arise.

2.2 Gas

  1. The length of the Supply Contract is defined as the period shown in the SCA Summary Schedule 1 (New Rates for the period);
    ii. By signing the Supply Contract Acceptance(s) you are entering an agreement to use the procurement services of Better Billing Ltd during, and up to the end of the term of the gas supply contract(s);
    iii. Better Billing Ltd procurement service represents such services as, but not limited to, full tendering (OJEU compliance where applicable); analysis of offers to represent best value; supplier negotiation; invoice validation, dedicated account management; credit control, full contract administration and renewal of the contract(s);
    iv. Better Billing Ltd will pursue every option to have a detailed consultation with you regarding the renewal offer(s). If however, and after many failed attempts to discuss the renewal offer, it is not accepted within one month of the renewal date, Better Billing Ltd will be granted permission by way of these terms, to sign a subsequent 12 month Supply Agreement with the best value supplier on Your behalf, so as to avoid expensive out of contract rates for Your Organisation. This will be deemed to have been accepted by You and a record will be sent electronically to Your Organisation;
    v. Gas supply invoices will be raised by the supplier on either actual or estimated consumption in arrears and sent to Better Billing Ltd for validation. On receipt and within a reasonable period, being no more than 72 hours from being received, the validated invoices will be forwarded to You for payment by Your preferred method;
    vi. Contract rates are fixed for the duration of the contract, subject to contract. The illustration shown in the SCA Summary Schedule 1 is for budgeting purposes only and MAY NOT represent Your exact gas costs for the year as consumption may vary; For AMR or Smart Metering, Better Billing Ltd will, where applicable, invoice annually for Data Collection (DC) Services unless by prior agreement You already have a contract in place for DC provision;
    viii. For AMR or Smart Metering, Better Billing Ltd will, where applicable, invoice annually for Meter Operator (MoP) Services unless by prior agreement You already have a contract in place for MoP provision;
    x. Where a gas contract is not “Fully Fixed” detailed in the price are transport and metering charges based on current costs. Any change in transport or metering costs before or during the duration of the contract as defined by Transco will result in a similar change to the Contract Price. Examples can be seen in the Glossary referred to in Point 8.
    xi. The Supplier Terms and Conditions will always prevail unless altered by both parties by agreeing a variation to terms.
    xii Suppliers cannot account for any new taxes or levies introduced by Government and hence will be passed through at cost, if and when the time should arise.
  2. Remuneration

i Better Billing Ltd may receive a retrospective commission payment from the successful electricity, gas or water supplier, and this will be included within the unit rates or receive an annual fixed fee which is payable by You. Better Billing Ltd will never charge for both methods at the same time.
Remuneration will vary dependent on the service tariff levels; volume; number of meters; level of contract management and will be competitive within the market place.

  1. Fixed Fee Methodology

i If You accept the Fixed Fee payment option; You will be sent an invoice within 30 days of the start date of the fixed fee contract which will last for a 12-month period. Subsequent invoices will be sent annually until the end of the utility supply contract that the fixed fee invoice relates to. The invoice will be pro-rata if the fixed fee service does not apply to a 12-month period.
Payment terms are specified in the contract, all invoices are subject to payment by the given date, else late payment charges/interest may apply.

  1. Better Billing Ltd Termination
  2. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing at least ninety (90) days’ written notice before any electricity, gas, water or Fixed Fee contract end date.
    ii Should You not provide termination to Us by email or recorded delivery no later than 90 days before the Utility contract renewal date, You will be bound to use Better Billing Ltd for the following 12 months term on renewal of the contract;
    To clarify termination must be provided to Better Billing Ltd (and acknowledged by us), in addition to any notice provided directly to the supplier to which the supply contract is in place.
    iii. If termination is not provided (re point 5.i, 5.ii) and You cease to use Better Billing Ltd’s services by moving to another provider, a termination fee of up to 10% of the historic annual spend per utility contract, as provided by the historic invoice validation service, will be charged to Your Organisation and an invoice will be raised by Us which will be payable by You within 30 days of the historic renewal date.
    iv. If termination is not provided, but You can provide the alternative Bona Fide electricity, gas or water contract offering, Better Billing Ltd will have the option to price-match the new offer. If a price match is not achievable, Better Billing Ltd will waive the 10% non-termination fee as a gesture of good will (and you will be free to move to the alternative provider, so long as an agreement has not already been placed through Better Billing Ltd.)

Sign on behalf of

  1. Where You have given Better Billing Ltd authority to sign an electricity, gas or water Agreement on Your behalf through a valid and current Letter of Authority, You accept the terms of the contracts associated with supply agreements contained therein.
    ii You will not be able to dispute the terms signed for within the “Sign on Behalf Of” Agreements and electronic copies will always be sent to You detailing terms, rates and charges within 7 days of the supply Agreement being locked in by the successful supplier.
    iii. Where You have given Better Billing Ltd authority to sign an electricity, gas, metering, data collection or water Agreement on Your behalf through a valid and current Letter of Authority, You accept the terms of the contracts associated with supply agreements contained therein.
  2. Other services

Display Energy Certificates
Energy Performance Certificates
New Connections / Disconnections
Site Visits
i In order to perform services, not just limited to the above, We may need to visit your site to enable thorough research and planning for a particular project. All Better Billing Ltd employees will carry suitable identification and where necessary a suitable DBS check and unless an emergency, will attend site during normal working hours.
It is accepted that we may be accompanied on site and given instruction by a member of your staff to ascertain the desired result.
ii With respect to electricity and/or gas upgrades, downgrades; new connections; de-energisation and disconnections Better Billing Ltd will only act on advice and recommendations from qualified and professional personnel engaged by You on any given project.

  1. Glossary

1. Monthly or Daily Charge

a pass through charge from your DNO (Distribution Network Operator) for maintaining

 the electricity and/or gas distribution network;

2. Available Capacity Charge (& Excess Capacity Charge)

a pass through charge from your electricity DNO for the size of the cable

going to your site. The larger the cable the more kVA associated with it;

 Excess Capacity can be charged at a penalty rate as and when Capacity

is exceeded by the supplier, typically up to three times the standard rate.

3. Day / 24 Hour / Unit Rate

the cost for energy (p/kWh) consumed (normally) between the hours of 07:00 – 00:00;

 however this may change per DNO;

4. Night Rate

the cost for energy (p/kWh) consumed (normally) between the hours of 00:00 – 07:00;

 however this may change per DNO;

5. Meter Operator (MoP)

a charge by a company that maintains your half hourly meter and is normally paid


6. Data Collection (DC)

an annual or monthly charge for collecting the data from your half hourly meter.

 The data is then sent to your supplier for invoicing purposes;

7. Settlements Costs (Data Aggregation – DA)

a monthly charge shown on your supply invoice and is a charge for settling the data

 in the national system. It is a little like the way cheques are cleared in the UK banking


Examples of Pass Through Charges

8. Reactive Power (kVarh)

a charge levied by the distribution company for uneconomical power usage on site;

9. Take or Pay Clauses

Where a Suppliers supply contract stipulates a “Take or Pay” clause, it will be

enforceable if consumption falls outside of the agreed volumes. You must be aware that

 annual consumptions must not fall BELOW 80% of the contracted Annual Quantity

 (AQ) or over 120% of the AQ (Pending levels being highlighted within the supply

contracts). If consumption falls outside of these boundaries, the Supplier may be entitled

 to charge for the difference between the actual usage and the minimum/maximum


10. Renewables Obligation

The Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) introduced the RO in 2002 to

 provide incentives for the deployment of large-scale renewable electricity in the UK.

 A levy for RO is charged through the unit rate on a p/kWh basis. The RO requires

 licensed UK electricity suppliers to source a specified proportion of the electricity

they provide to customers from eligible renewable sources. This proportion

(known as the ‘obligation’) is set each year and has increased annually.

11. Feed in Tariff

FITs support organisations, businesses, communities and individuals to generate

 low-carbon electricity using small-scale (5 megawatts (MW) or less total installed

 capacity) systems. All licensed electricity suppliers (regardless of FIT participation

 status) are required to make payments into Ofgem E-Serve’s levelisation fund, based on

 their market share of the Great Britain electricity supply market and any FIT payments

 made to accredited installations under the FIT scheme. The fund is then redistributed to

 FIT licensees that have made more payments to accredited installations than they would

 be required to by their market share contribution. Currently this process occurs on a

 quarterly basis. A levy for FiT is charged through the unit rate on a p/kWh basis.

12. Electricity Market Reform

EMR has been legislated for via the Energy Act 2013 and will see the introduction of

 two new reforms/charges to the energy market, the Contracts for Difference (CfD)

 and Capacity Market.

13. Climate Change Levy otherwise known as the Climate Change Equivalent (CCE)

CCL is a tax on the taxable supply of specified energy products (taxable commodities)

 for use as fuels that is for lighting, heating and power, by business consumers. CCL/E

 only applies to Full rate VAT and is not charged for exempt supplies o Lower rate VAT

CCL/E does not apply to taxable commodities supplied for use by domestic consumers

 or to charities for non-business use.

14. Any Other Government Charges

Suppliers cannot account for any new taxes or levies introduced by Government and

 hence will be passed through at cost, if and when the time should arise.

15. Value Added Tax (VAT)

a tax levied by Her Majesty Revenue & Customs and can vary from time to time.

Emergency Contacts

Your chosen energy supplier, negotiated through Better Billing Ltd, supplies your energy but it’s your local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) who maintains the power lines and gas pipes that connect your home; school; college or business to the network.

In the event of a power cut or gas leak you will need to determine your local DNO for your electrical supply, by referring to your invoice for the 13 digit MPAN. The first two digits on the bottom line (13) relate to your area and the DNO to contact;-






Eastern England

UK Power Networks

0800 783 8838


East Midlands

Western Power Distribution

0800 056 8090



UK Power Networks

0800 028 0247


North Wales, Merseyside & Cheshire

Scottish Power

0845 272 2424


West Midlands

Western Power Distribution

0800 328 1111


North East England

Northern Powergrid

0800 668 877


North West

Electricity North West

0800 195 4141


Northern Scotland

SSE Power Distribution

0845 744 4555


South Scotland

Scottish & Southern Energy

0845 272 7999


South East England

UK Power Networks

0800 783 8866


Southern England

Scottish & Southern Energy

0800 072 7782


South Wales

Western Power Distribution

0800 052 0400


South West England

Western Power Distribution

0800 365 900



Northern Powergrid

0800 375 675

Gas Leaks

England, Scotland & Wales

National Grid Transco

0800 111 999

Better Billing Team